B.O. as a Supporters-Band from
Mönchengladbach fans is a 4-Men Rock-Band, guitar, bass, drums and
Singer! The sound is a mixture of Hard- und Punk-Rock Tunes (near to Tote Hosen as its best) The band was foundet in 1995 cause there was no real fan-music around the famous Club Borussia and the fans were pissed off from the clinical and commercial sound in the speakers on the ground! The FANPROJEKT
the major fan organisation in Mönchengladbach gave the finance to
support the band in releasing 7 CDs, 4 Maxis and 3 normal CDs with many
many songs that interest the fans, that help to support the team
In 2002 the
released the MAXI CD "Dein Verein" which suports the national fan
organisation PRO 15:30
to help
the fans in their interests against the major tv companies which rule
football market and the kick-of-times!!! NEVER FORGET THE FANS !!! B.O.
Fotogalerie Guestbook ("Stammtisch") CD-Shop Tour-Dates links |